Donnerstag, 26. Mai 2011

Nothing beats the Taj

26th May

Yesterday, on the way to Agra, I did not only have the chance to see a few more beautiful temples but also a marble-souvenir-production site. Here one could see how busy workers produced souvenirs out of the same marble as the Taj Mahal decorated with the same design as the famous building. It was amazing to see with which precision those objects where formed and they were all gorgeous. Some of you might already guess – yes, I was stupid enough to buy a plate of marble which weights around 2 kg (don’t ask me about the price). BUT, it is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen! I swear. And it is just perfect to use it as a pad for my notebook… Anyways, it’s me who needs to carry it around now for another 2 ½ month.

So today I went to see the Taj Mahal in early daylight, at around 6h30 (sunrise it was not, don’t ask me why, longer story). The atmosphere was just stunning, the tourists little and the temperature perfect. I guess every one of you has seen pictures of the Taj, so you know about its beauty. But, the closer you get, the more you see all the little details, like the semiprecious stones (Halbedelsteine) carved into the marble, (just like my beautiful plate has it got!) – one can see how 20 000 people have worked on it for 22 years.
Anyways, I spent quite a while in this peaceful setting until we headed back to Delhi where I got my internet connection (after two, not one hour). So, now I can be constantly online, theoretically. In practice, the connection is very S-L-O-W… Well, I urgently need to work on my patience now, otherwise I will have turned nuts when coming back home after spending so many hours (or days) waiting. Yep, that will be a challenge. But, when the internet is stuck again, at least I can admire my astonishing beautiful marble plate!

And tomorow comes THE LAURA! :)

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