Montag, 30. Mai 2011

Getting the project started

30th May

So Laura came and we spent a day hanging out together and then took the metro to Gurgaon, a big town 1h south of Delhi. There, Vinod, the founder of End Poverty, the NGO for which we are making our reports, got us from the station and brought us to our new home for the next 4 weeks. We are staying in a nice and airy appartment together with Rachna's sister (Rachna is the 2nd boss of EP) and three other young Indian women.
After lunch, we had a welcome meeting where we shared our visions to realise that we are quite on the same way concerning our plans. Both, Rachna and Vinod are very competent, enthusiatic and heartly people and we really look forward to work with them!

Yesterday, we went straight to the 'field' and visited a small and remote village with which EP potentially will work together in future (and we could try to smoke a shisha!), a temple, a market and one of the villages they support and we will write our reports about. In that village, we spent a couple of hours drinking rose water, tea and getting to know one of the families. The woman of the family is also the teacher of the girls of this village and she insisted that we stay at their house when we stay in a village in about 3 weeks time. We thankfully agreed as we felt very comfortable around these friendly smiling family members. Also we already fell in love with the children there who did not hide their curiosity about these funny looking visitors who seem to be a very sweaty kind of species.

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