Sonntag, 5. Juni 2011

Kids and survey-action

5th May

Last week we worked quite a bit on our laptops but were also taught how to make Chapati, got a Mehndi (henna painting on hands), had a massage and a haircut (just me) and were experiencing the local market (great!) and a mall (boring). We also went out to the 'field' again to see a couple of more villages, a girl's education group and a traditional indian 'community farmhouse'. That was great fun and I am afraid my heart is lost once more to those georgeous little kids...!

Yesterday we went to Delhi (1h per metro) to chase some international tourists for our first survey action. It is complete coincidence that 90% of our interviewees are in their 30's, male and increadibly good looking. I m of course just kidding, Simon, don' worry. (its 80%) Anyways, it was a lot of fun and we are quite happy with the 16 pieces we've done, given the fact that there are only a few tourists around at this crazy hot time of the year. Somehow, I can understand why..

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