Freitag, 17. Juni 2011

Rain dance, adrinaline kicks and kaise bole

The last week was full of organising, reading, sweating and planning.
But we also attended a rain-dance where we had the luxury of dancing in huge running showers. Yes, this is not a good thing to do in a time here in northern India where water is rare and the heat often nearly unbearable. The government had even banned such parties for this reason. Guilty as hell, maybe we shouldn't have gone. BUT, apperantly they had a special permission bc of water recycling actions AND it was just a too big temptation to deny this oppurtunity to finally cool down and be surrounded by w-a-t-e-r.

The trips through the town (on tuk tuk well riksha) is always an adventure itself, the ones of you who have been traveling through Asia know what I mean! But we love the little market in our sector where ALL things can be bought and people can be watched at their daily working habits such as sewing cloths on the pedestrian, dyeing fabrics, painting mihindis or prepering delicious treats. So many things to see, so much to explore and wonder...

We also attended an exibition of End Poverty , where we informed people about the NGO, sold pouches produced by the girls/women in the villages and recieved donations for books, goats, chickens or shoes. Its always great to see when people care and are interested in projects to help.

Tomorow we will leave the civilication for 5 days and make our way to the villages we write about in our final report. We will stay in a family and live with them, to explore their daily rythm, discover the surrounding and find out what they think about the eventual development of tourism in their area. For this purpose, we did some intensive hindi - learning this week (playing memory is a fabulous idea! Thanks to Laura) because only one man can talk a little english there and thats it. Of course, our questionairs will be translated and we do have assistance who know exactly what our project is about. But we might have to learn a few more words to be able to make at least a basic conversation with them! So, no toilets, often no electricity, no fan, no room door but very very friendly people, a highly interesting livestyle, a beautiful surrounding to discover and ADVENTURE PURE! :)

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