Mittwoch, 27. Juli 2011

Indian traffic

Let me talk about Indian traffic. The first time I've experienced this kind of (on the first view completly chaotic and mad) traffic in Colombo, Sri Lanka many years ago and thought it's time to die now. But fortunatly it was not and being here in South India now renting a scooter (for 1€/day) I was surprised to see how much I enjoy being part of this flow of vehicles.
It is a bit like those games you play in school, an obstacle course (Hindernislauf) and sometimes it reminds me to skiing as one has to constantly look out and find the best way from A to B. As I mentioned before, I've never felt unsafe so far and it is always interesting and fun. But I am also aware that I am far from being used to driving this way and that it is highly important not getting too comfortable and confident as there is always the chance of something big falling down the vehicle infront of you, a cow crossing, a man standing in the middle of the road, people driving on the wrong side or a huge bus driving dangerously close to you while overtaking.

In Auroville though, the hippy-village where Laura stays, its fun to jump over the hills of the dirt roads, to drive through lakes of water (and loose shoes while doing so) and give rides to women, children and dogs.

I will definitly miss all of that.

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