Mittwoch, 13. Juli 2011

Pondicherry: Hippies, ants, raw meat and the French.

In India, one has to be ready for everything.
Yesterday, my bread was eaten by one million of tiny ants. For a second, I thought about the option, to let them disappear and eat what they've left over; but then... I threw it away. After this, I scared a crow (not intentionally) who as a result let go of some raw meat which fell directly on me. And today, I went to see Laura in her new home in Auroville and got lost on the way home (it IS a labyrinth like little village). I asked a few people to the way to Pondi and they all pointed in the same direction. I realised after a while that that was not the way I wanted to go but thought that this would be the short cut. Well, it was not. They sent me to the motorway, where I was driving ages and for miles to end up in Pondi centre which was not exactly where I was living either. It was my fault, I should have mentioned the beach-road. Anyways, this was the first time I could experience the real Indian traffic, as the centre of town is much bussier. And, I have to say, I like it! The weird thing is that I never felt unsafe and actually do enjoy using the horn so much. After what felt like an hour later, just before the turn to my road, I got distracted by a goat in a Motor-Riksha (tuk tuk) and - missed it.

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